We are back in court tomorrow for the Denneboom station informal traders case.
Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR) is representing a group of informal traders from Mamelodi Danneboom Metrorail station. The informal traders are going up against the developer of a new mall (worth 850m) at the Station. One of the key concerns raised by the traders is lack of transparency by the developer.
When the rumours of a new mall started spreading, the traders were never informed about their future, the City of Tshwane was approached a couple of times for answers and was of no assistance to the traders, but appointed its own committee to represent the traders.
The traders are now facing a challenge, where it seems like the developers are trying every possible trick to interrupt trading at all costs. At first the paving was removed, then the fencing that was meant to assist in securing the traders was taken down. Then, the water and electricity was cut off creating all sorts of problems especially around issues of sanitation.
Last Friday LHR managed to get a provisional interdict prevent the construction company from demolishing the structures pending the return date on February 28.
Tomorrow we will asking the Gauteng High Court in Pretoria, to order the City of Tshwane to reconnect the water, toilets and the electricity. We will also be asking that the entire area is paved, as it was, before the paving was removed.
“This is such an important case for us, especially because the traders at Denneboom have been trading there for over 60 years. Informal trading plays such a critical role in our economy and it should not be undermined, by doing so, the inequality gap will continue to increase rapidly” Louise Du Plessis.
For more information on this case contact Carol Mohlala, Media and Communications Manager, 079 238 9826